In 2021, former Argentine President Alberto Fernández declared, “I promise you that I will be the first feminist president.” He was accused of domestic violence this August. Just a few weeks ago, Íñigo Errejón, a key figure in Spain’s left-wing politics, resigned after allegations of sexual harassment from multiple women—allegations he has admitted to. These events raise critical questions: Is feminism inherently tied to leftist politics? And when scandals emerge, does this connection turn into hypocrisy, double standards, or mere opportunism, as critics claim? Moral condemnation cannot replace political analysis, and this article seeks to explore the broader political implications of these issues.
Since the 18th century, the ideological conflict between left and right has shaped European politics, extending beyond economic policies to influence societal values, traditions, and moral attitudes. Historically, left-wing politics championed transformative movements, while the right emphasised preserving established norms. However, economic shifts in the past three decades—marked by the decline of stable, well-paying jobs for low-skilled workers and the rise of high-skilled, education-driven industries—have transformed these distinctions. Prior to the 1970s, low female labour force participation often led women to vote for conservative parties. With its focus on reproductive rights and workplace equality, the emergence of second-wave feminism shifted many women toward leftist politics. This has alienated many traditional working-class voters from the left’s new focus on diversity and cultural issues, which has been increasingly prioritised over traditional economic concerns.
These evolving political attitudes created an expectation for leftist governments to incorporate gender equality into their platforms—not only symbolically, but also politically through greater representation, and socially through public policies promoting equity. Under Alberto Fernández’s administration (2019–2023), Argentina implemented several gender-focused policies, including legal abortion, non-binary identification, trans employment quotas, and recognition of unpaid care work. Similarly, Spain’s leftist coalitions promoted landmark legislation, such as the “Only Yes Is Yes” law, emphasising explicit consent in sexual relations. These measures represent significant progress in addressing gender inequality politically and socially. Yet the symbolic dimension of these advancements is particularly vulnerable. Allegations of harassment or misconduct against prominent leftist figures erode public trust, as they expose a tension between the rhetoric of equality and the realities of internal political culture.
Feminist thinkers have long critiqued the "fraternal pacts" among men—an implicit system that tolerates or excuses violence against women and reinforces inequitable power dynamics. Fernández and Errejón are extreme cases, but many men—who still make up the majority of politicians—build successful careers because their wives take on household responsibilities, perpetuating inequitable relationships. This is not a moral dilemma, but a political challenge. Feminism must move beyond symbolic victories to address systemic inequalities. And for the left, reclaiming its transformative ethos means questioning not only the structures it opposes, but also the contradictions within its own ranks. Only by doing so can it offer an alternative vision of power and equality that resonates broadly and authentically.
Feminism is not merely a moral stance; it is a political agenda aimed at challenging entrenched power dynamics, including the gendered division of labor and the undervaluation of care work. Yet, many leftist parties struggle to fully integrate this agenda. The only way to transform patriarchal pacts and break the silence surrounding them is to attack the problem at its core. As Maria Mies argued, the rise of capitalism relied on the subjugation of women, intertwining economic exploitation with patriarchal systems. Feminism, therefore, cannot exist in isolation from broader class struggles. The left’s commitment to gender equality must address structural inequalities affecting both genders, from precarious labor conditions to unpaid caregiving.
Traditional identities, like class, no longer serve as unifying forces for majority coalitions. Similarly, gender-focused policies have yet to garner widespread support across diverse social groups. For the left to regain its transformative potential, it requires conceptual and institutional innovation. This is especially important now that far-right populist movements have seized upon working-class discontent, positioning themselves as rebellious challengers to the status quo. These movements reject the perceived "moralizing" of leftist politics, offering authoritarian, populist, and sometimes overtly misogynistic alternatives. While these solutions may be regressive, their resonance cannot be ignored. They tap into a sense of disenfranchisement, particularly among voters who feel alienated by the left's cultural shift away from economic priorities.
As Anderson noted, “Politics is a competition for power”. Radical politics cannot exist without questioning existing power structures. The left must reimagine how to balance its commitment to economic and social justice, building coalitions that resonate with the majority.
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Gaudiramone
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