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Nigel Farage: the most expensive mistake voters have ever made

Yes. The man who claims to be the voice of white working class Britain has been exposed as the highest-paid MP. While Nigel Farage has been egging on rioters this August, spectating from above in his ivory tower like the God of white Englishmen, beer in hand and cigarette in mouth, Britain has been buckling to its knees under the direction of his self-inflicted ‘political revolt’.

If you have a job, how much do you get paid? I bet it isn’t over £3,000 an hour. That’s right – for just 32 hours a month, Farage takes home £98,000 for presenting his GB News show. That’s more than his parliamentary salary for the entire year, which adds a further £91,000 to his pocket.

But that’s not all. Farage earns £70 a pop for reading out ridiculous messages on Cameo, including wishing a poor chap called Mark a “Happy Birthgay, you giant mistake”. Somehow, people have enough money to waste in this world that Farage has earnt over £16,500 muttering complete nonsense like this. If that wasn’t enough, he also earns £4,000 a month writing articles for the Daily Telegraph. As somebody who writes articles for free in the name of promoting independent political journalism, this is particularly jarring.

All of this means Farage rakes in over £1.2 million a year – and that’s before he even set foot in parliament, entitling him to his aforesaid salary and, I suspect, expenses for trips to the pub.

Why should you be bothered? Who cares? And why am I spending my time writing about this (for free)?

Because Nigel Farage is a man who will do and say anything to promote his own career. He can’t even deny it – you can head over to Cameo and he’ll say anything you like as long as you hand over £70.

As a Member of Parliament, Farage is a representative of the people of Clacton. What is his connection to Clacton? I have no idea. He was born in Farnborough in Kent – which is neither Clacton, nor Essex. Farage is, by definition, a millionaire, probably earning enough to relieve the 37% of children living in poverty in Clacton.

But Clacton was not cherry-picked to be Farage’s constituency because of personal or sentimental reasons. It’s because Farage’s middle name is ‘Brexit’, and almost 70% of people in Clacton voted to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum – one of the highest leave votes in the UK.

Farage has pinned his entire career on the success of depicting illegal immigrants and racial minorities as people to be afraid of. His politics, as I have repeatedly argued, is none other than divide and conquer politics. It is not inspiring. It is not goodwilled. It is outright divisive – digging away at society’s wounds and suckling on the poisonous blood of resentment, hatred and negativity that flows out of them.

Nigel Farage has made a millionaire lifestyle out of stirring hatred. The final piece of his puzzle, which had evaded him for 20 years, was to become an MP. Why? Previously, Farage only reared his head like a toad exiting a manhole every five years in line with the election cycle. But now, as an MP, the man is constantly broadcasting his opinions – and, as an elected representative, people are forced to listen.

The point I’m trying to make is that Farage didn’t want to be an MP to do good for the people of Clacton. He is merely exploiting the Palace of Westminster as a springboard for his ego and personal ambitions. I’ve said before that voters genuinely and moderately concerned about immigration were hoodwinked into believing Reform UK’s exaggerated fantasy tale about ‘Great’ Britain being dragged down by migrants in rubber dinghies. And all this extravaganza has no purpose except to build Farage an even higher personal platform to spout rubbish.

How can you lay a cast-iron blanket over all immigrants in the UK, when 1 in 5 NHS staff reported a non-British nationality; when 1 in 4 care workers were born outside of the UK; and when 75,000 horticultural workers in the UK – also known as fruit pickers – are migrants? Without immigration our economy would implode. We need migrant workers to do the jobs that patriotic Britons, with bulldog tattoos and a beer belly, can’t be bothered to do.

Nigel Farage’s middle name is in fact not ‘Brexit’, but ‘Contradiction’.

He’ll stand up and say the reason you can’t get a doctor’s appointment is because we have too many immigrants – when there’s a 1 in 5 chance the doctor you are trying to see is an immigrant themselves. 

He’ll stand up and say nothing works anymore because there are too many immigrants – when 71% of UK nationals aged 16-64 were in employment, compared to 78% of those born in the EU.

And he’ll stand up and say Britain isn’t safe anymore because dangerously violent immigrants are flooding our streets – only for his own words to incite an entire week of right-wing nationalist violence and destruction against any non-white person in sight.

If I could end this article by dropping my microphone, I would. Nigel Farage is the most expensive mistake UK voters have ever made. He doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t care about the country. Nigel Farage cares only for Nigel Farage. The quicker people wake up and smell the coffee, the beer, and the stinking cigarettes, the better.

Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

No image changes made.

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